Sermon Homework: Dec. 8, 2019

Sermon Homework: December 8, 2019
What Child is This?  Second Sunday of Advent
Pastor Stephanie Kimec Parker

As we continue to prepare our hearts for Christ, looking at John the Baptist helps us to ensure we are ready. John’s role was to prepare everyone. Matthew 3:1 In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’  We are to examine our hearts, repent of the ways we have failed to fully love God, neighbor and self. What do you need to repent of and invite the Holy Spirit to transform?   John the Baptist proclaimed that we must bear fruit worthy of repentance. While grace is a free gift, out of gratitude for God’s grace and salvation we bear fruit. When have we born fruit? How can we continue to abide in Christ so we can continue to bear fruit?

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